LindS Sanders

Not Yours for Truth Seeking

Stop romanticizing fly fishing.
Thinking truth eddies in the dark
water severing dirt from stems.
Your artificial caddis indenting
the roof of the underworld.
And yes, you’re allowed to exalt
the stillness. Find you are better
in quiet; out of rooms and wills.
But don’t name yourself brother
to the sky’s white rattling throat.
The kingfisher is not ripping truth
from trout bellies. He is belonging. 
Shoulder against the current,
wrestle life out of place by the jaw.
Your truth is foreign and dry to gills.
Tearing out the pieces you favor,
leaving the rest in gut piles for flies.
Kick up gravel and yeast and aluminium
and praise the ease of lordship.
The eagles return to their spot
and truth swings from your mirror:
no place mourns your leaving.


Linds Sanders (she/her) is a multidisciplinary artist living on the road. While her poetry gets lost in cedar groves, her artwork (Best of Net nominee) chases the breaking tides. Both find their way in various publications eventually. While her whereabouts are ever-changing, her work resides at & IG @resounding_bell.