Kiely Sweatt

Dear, in fast response to overly eager:

I am getting rounder in the stomach,
my shoulders and knees
are suspicious.

I am flippant a bit too often,
sometimes a little

Today I put ceramic
heads in the kiln
flipped a switch,
made ginger bread houses,
bought gasoline. 

My son had an argument
got fixed, almost 
shaved my chin.


These are times
I don't mind 
attempting to cling
to something with distinction.
As I will admit to lonliness and counter
It with some degree of maturity

  But, miss it less me say these days
when doing budgets and clearing spaces
has taken away the time.
I just hope you won’t judge
as I juggle with some degree of deftness
the day I started with a jacket,
and ended in only a shirt.

Kiely Sweatt has spent a lot of the last 3 years traveling between West Virginia, Dallas, Philadelphia and New York where she obtained her masters in Poetry at the New School. She has been living in Barcelona, Spain almost a year, teaching, translating, and and starting the Poetry Brothel Abroad Project.