Johnathan Campball

Under the Bridge

Hearing the rain appear and disappear
makes me feel like this house 
is shifting location ever so slightly
we all have known this shock when driving under a bridge in the pouring
When just for a moment
almost short enough
not to hear
there is silence.
I have often been told
that there is no such thing as silence
in our modern world.
That is because 
none of us are listening
driving under bridges
in the pouring rain.

More Than One Body

Just one kiss will tell me that I am more than
one body.  
Slit me open with your pointed lips and kiss
me from the inside.


Johnathan Campbell is a poet living in Salisbury, North Carolina. He has been featured on the poetry blog "Untitled, With Passengers." When not writing poetry, Johnathan listens to Frank Sinatra and meticulously combs his hair."